1. The Barney and Echo Project
The emphasis for this PSHE project is Sparky’s Big Idea, a Barney and Echo story from the Police Community Clubs all about the environment. Go to
https://barneyecho.co.uk/sparky-s-big-idea/ for further information about the project and to see a sample of the book and resources.
Sparky’s Big Idea Project will be delivered free-of-charge to your school on between the 5th & 8th September 2017 by The Manager from your local Costa outlet. They will be in touch with you to arrange a suitable day and time for delivery between the 5th & 8th September.
Your delivery will consist of;
60 copies of Sparky's Big Idea, a wonderful A5 full-colour story and workbook.
A teacher workbook outlining how to deliver the project with expected outcomes.
A set of 4 x A4 full colour posters to be displayed in your classroom.
A one-act play that can be rehearsed and delivered to pupils and/or parents as desired.
A set of stickers highlighting the project for individual pupils.
Access to the Dizzy Heights platform game for i-pad and i-phone.